Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Maths Work!-Angles


This week in class we have been learning    about ANGLES. We have been learning about right angles, parallel lines and perpendicular lines.I learnt that parallel lines never meet.
This is an example of parallel lines:Image result for parallel lines rail   <-- The rails are side by side and they never meet!
Image result for perpendicular line png

A perpendicular line looks like this:       -------------------------->

The lines are not going in the same direction!

Term 2 Reflection!

                     Term 2 Reflection!!!!

Term 2 was a good term.
We had lots of great learning like NZ History. With Manaiakalani we learnt how to be cyber smart, what you need to do to make a quality blog post and HOW to make a  blog post.
We have done a lot of things with whaea Donna.
She teaches us all about blogs and being cyber smart!
In term 3 I would really like to work on animal research. Last term in term 1 we did that and it was really fun and interesting.
I am looking forward to term 3!!!
What do you want to learn next term?