Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Royal Albatross

Royal Albatross
This week was conservation week and we were learning about endangered animals .We leaned about the Royal Albatross!

Here are some facts!

The Royal Albatross lives in New Zealand ,around the Auckland island and other places around there.

The Royal Albatross is 1.1-1.2 in length and weighs 8.5 kilograms  (adult).

The Royal Albatross is a protected species.In 1921 it was illegal to hunt for them.

The Royal Albatross does indeed migrate. 

It also has a wingspan of 3 meters!!


  1. I really like the way you added the wing span of 3 meters.I forgot to add that in my blog. I also like how your facts are short and simple!

  2. ka pai to mahi blake!!!

  3. wow i love your facts great work!!!
