Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Knot Tying!

                                     Knot Tying

In my class we have been learning about knots ! The reason why we are learning about knots is for life/survival skills.
We are about to go on camp so we will be able to practice those knots just in case there is a real emergency that knots are needed for.

I learnt how to tie a Figure 8 Knot, Noose Knot and an overhand knot.

The Figure 8 Knot is a simple stopper knot.======================

The Noose Knot is used for catching / snaring small animals.============

The overhand knot is also a simple stopper, very similar to the Figure 8 Knot.======================

This activity was so fun!


  1. Hi Blake I never there was a knot called noose.Can you do any other knots like the reef knot? Your reflection is really good and tells me lots about knot tying keep it up

    Visit my blog at

    1. Hi Blake. Personally I can not do the reef knot but I will practice.
      I will be sure to check out your blog!
      Do you know how to tie any of those knots?
