In class we have been assigned to create a treasure map around our house showcasing where we went and where we ended up. We also had to write instructions using our newly learned knowlegde of directions. (North, South, East,West).
This task was fun because I got to explore my house/think from the perspective of a pirate!
Here are my instructions and the map to go with it:
"I was a mere boy of 12 when I drew this map so best ye walk with the steps of a 12 year olde"
If you’re told a compass heading then face that way before ye proceed and don’t cheat and read ahead or I’ll send ye to Davy Jones’ Locker!!
Begin your quest for the Maskell Millions stood on the inside door mat looking Due North.
Take 2 steps North
Another 5 steps East
2 steps North
Now travel East for 22 paces
And 14 paces South (be careful not to crash into the Ship!)
Grab your compass and march 40 steps West-South-West
Now look for a fence post with a Black circle carved into the back of it.
Once you have found the post stand with your back against it and walk 15 steps North
Turn to face the Setting sun (that’s West!) and take 3 small steps.
It’s time to face North again, this time taking 31 paces
Facing East, walk up Mt Maskell until you come upon a post with a tree growing out of it.
Starting with the “Treepost” at your left side, continue East for 40 paces and enjoy a shady rest beneath the giant Pineapple
When rested, turn to face South-East and look for Bill (the Microsoft guys’ last name) and go to within 3 paces of your target
Once there, turn West and travel a further 40 steps (if you have it correct you’ll not be able to go any further).
Now walk South again for 8 steps
Look to your West and you should see a stone square on the ground – go stand on it and face North
Follow the trail of squares until you come upon a Blue door.
Turn until your back is to the Door then walk West for 16 steps
Now face North for the last time and cover the final 5 paces to find your Treasure".
SO cool! I love the way you have introduced your task, it makes the viewer want to keep reading, well done. You have nailed it! Keep up the great mahi.