Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Matariki Animation!

Matariki Animation.
In class we have been asked to create an animation about the story of Matariki. 
Their are many different depictions of Matariki but I chose "this one"
Here is my finished animation:

What is your favourite Maori Story?


  1. Nice work Blake I really like how you put a link so we can see where you idea for this animation came from. And I really like the way you set it out your animation. Good Mahi

  2. Hi Blake how are you ? you retold the story of Matariki incredibly well, well done. I love the detail you put into your slide.
    Stay safe (Raidon)

  3. Nice work Blake I like how you you retold the story of Matariki.Good job

  4. nice work Blake i like how you re told the story of Matariki well done
    your friend Indi

  5. nice work blake keep it up
