Friday, 24 July 2020

Weekly Reflection!

This week has been a great start to the new Term.
I enjoyed doing our science work because it was fun to draw my perspective of a scientist and what they do.
Something I succeeded in is my creative writing planning. I am really bad at writing so I am proud that I have made very good progress with my writing work.
One of the most challenging things I have encountered this week was cross-country.
I have never been a good runner and I need to push myself to improve on my times.
One thing I have learned is the structure to an Imaginative prayer. An imaginative prayer is when you start your prayer with something on a deeper level eg. "Gracious Creator" instead of something like "Loving Father"...
Something I am looking forward to next week is elaborating more on our science work. This week it was very fun and I cant wait to learn more about it.
This week, I have shown the value *Pono* by always telling the truth whenever I am asked something.
I am really looking forward to next week!


  1. Fantastic learning Blake, it is awesome to hear that you had a great first week back. Looking forward to seeing you progress further throughout the term. Well done!

  2. nice blog it was cool and it has alot of telal
