For our math warm up we used this site to improve on our basic facts recall. I got 58, the same as yesterday:
We are a year 7 & 8 class from Pompallier Catholic School. My teacher is Whaea Danni.
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Times Tables Trouble!
In class, we use this site to warm up our mathematical skills before each lesson.
It is a times tables practice task. You get 100 seconds to answer as many questions correctly as you can.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Fashion Frenzy!
In class, we have been learning about the different types of art. One of which is fashion and design.
We had to create a collage with our favourite fashion brands or products.
This task was fun because I enjoyed using my favourite brands to create a collage!
This task was hard because we had to convert each image into PNG and it took a long time!
Friday, 6 November 2020
Week 4 Reflection!
This week has been very fun.
I enjoyed using my new knowledge of sewing to make some progress on my quilt project.
I succeeded in my quiz by getting 40/40 correct.
I found my sewing project challenging yet fun because my hands aren't gentle enough to get the thread through the needle :(
I learnt that Edmond Hillary climbed MT Everest on the 29/5/1953.
Next week I am looking forward to finishing my quilt project.
I have shown the value of Aroha by always choosing positive words and being as kind as possible.
Super Saints!
In class, we have been learning about a saint of our choice.
I chose St Francis because I didn't know much about him and I was interested in his life. We had to complete a slideshow about our chosen saint.
Here it is:
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Week 2 Reflection!
This week has been very cool because we had a new teacher running our learning sessions. It was fun and engaging to learn with such an interesting new teacher.
I enjoyed all of our learning sessions with our new teacher.
This week, I have succeeded in my math work because I learnt about a new kind of graph called a "Bar And Whisker Graph" and now I can help others.
I found my Mahi Tahi challenge confusing because we had to make a self-standing balloon tower with only 1 roll of tape and a pack of balloons. It was hard because our tower kept falling over and it was a mess.
I learnt all about a bar and whisker graph.
Next week, I am looking forward to finishing our class book, "Rangatira" because we are so close to the ending.
This week, I have shown the value of Aroha (Love) by being kind and helping others whenever they need it.
Monday, 19 October 2020
The Amazing Arts!
In class, we have been studying and researching about some of the different categories of art. When you hear the word "art" you probably think of a painting. Well, this week I have learnt that art is much more than a simple picture. There are many forms of art and this slideshow explains them...
Friday, 16 October 2020
Week 1 Reflection!
Week 1 Reflection!
This week, I enjoyed settling in to school and seeing my friends after a long break.
I think I have succeeded in finishing my work to the best of my abilities. I have completed my contract and I am satisfied with my results.
I found my recount writing challenging because I didn't really do much so it was hard to make a long story with not a lot of things to write about
I learnt that The name for the carved figure on top of a Marae is called "Tekoteko". We learnt this during our Mahi Tahi session.
Next week, I am looking forward to the reading comprehension that we are doing on our freshly started book "Rangatira".
This week, I have shown the value of Pono (Truth) by always being honest in whatever I do and wherever I go.
Multi-Media Madness!
Multi Media Madness!
In class we have been learning about the different types of media during our "Cyber Smart" Learning session.
Media is all about the different ways that we can portray information.
We had to fill out a slideshow all about "What is Media":
I liked this task because it was cool learning about all of the different media formats that we use everyday!
Thursday, 15 October 2020
Lazy Days At Lake Ngatu
Lazy Days At Lake Ngatu
During the holidays I did very little.
My most prominent memory being the time I spent with Ryan. On the 5th of October I ventured to Ryan's house. The decision to stay overnight wasn't the initial plan but after bargaining with my dad, he let me stay.
Soon after I arrived we set off on our adventure to Lake Ngatu. We splashed and crashed in the crystal clear water and had a blast. The contest was on to see who was brave enough to completely submerge them self. That title fell upon Ryan’s little brother, Liam.
When we had had enough, we dried ourselves, hopped in the car and off we went. We eagerly waited for our mid-journey pit stop, THE ICE CREAM SHOP!!! I quickly lapped up my double scoop of chocolate, creamy goodness as Ryan struggled to keep his caramel fudge off of his face. After we had finished our treats, we set off on the final leg of our journey,-home.
When we arrived home I instantly got out of my damp clothes into some fresh ones. Me and Ryan met up in the living room and made the executive decision to play some video games. This decision was a long lasting one. We played video games until we were kicked off by the arrival of Ryan’s grandfather. We waited patiently for dinner to be ready and with a loud yell by Ryan’s mother, the feast was acclaimed. We had crispy sausages and creamy, cloud like mashed potatoes. After finishing our food we collapsed into our chairs, our bellies full. We both got straight on our devices and started watching our favourite Content Creators.
As time passed, Ryan’s grandfather left, his brother went to bed, and we were the last men standing. We settled into the air-beds that were set up in the lounge and turned on the TV. Instantly we turned to each other with excitement in our eyes. “Peppa Pig” we said in unison. With the press of a few buttons, Peppa Pig was displayed on the large screen in front of us. We sat there, watching Peppa Pig until midnight.
The next morning, I was collected by my dad at the break of dawn. The journey home was short and sweet. At last, we had arrived.
I was happy to be home but also sad to have left Ryan’s house. My cat greeted me with a loud “Meowwwwww”.
I unpacked my bags and hopped straight on the ps4 to play with the boys.
The rest of my holidays were pretty much the same as my last paragraph. Lots of gaming and relaxing with my family.
All and all I had a great holiday!
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
What Is A Venerable?
In class we have been asked to fill out a frayer model all to do with "What is a venerable".
We are doing this because we have recently been learning about "Suzanne Aubert" and she is a venerable.
Here is my finished Frayer Model:
Suzanne Aubert
In class we have been learning about a lady named Suzanne Aubert.
She is a very special figure in NZ culture because she helped the less fortunate children in New Zealand.
We had to make a DLO to express our new knowledge about her.
Here is my finished Google Drawing:
Monday, 14 September 2020
How to Share the Gospel!
In class we had to create a DLO to represent how we can share the Gospel with others. Since I go to a Catholic School it was pretty natural to think of different ways to express the Gospel.
Here is my DLO:
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Spoken Word- "Sorry"
In our class, we have been focusing on poetry. One of our tasks we had to complete was a slideshow about "Spoken Word".
We had 4 Videos to choose from our site. I decided to choose the poem named "Sorry".
This video is all about the effects of climate change and why it is happening. It has a very powerful message and it really made me think about this perspective of thing. Here is my finished slide:
Friday, 4 September 2020
Week 7 Reflection!
This week has been very fun. We have done lots of interesting tasks and had many substitute teachers...
I enjoyed doing the "Travel Task" because it was interesting to see what you could buy with such a large budget.
One success I had was with my Travel task because I completed it to the best of my abilities.
I also found the travel task challenging because it was hard to find info about my place but it was very fun.
I learnt that Brisbane is the third largest city in Australia.
Next week I am looking forward to our STEAM work because we didnt get to do it this week :(
This week I have shown Pono (Truth) by always being honest.
Tremendous Traveling!
In class we have been doing a task that is based around traveling.
We had to create a travel plan for ourselves and one other person.
I decided to "travel" to Brisbane, Australia.
Here is my finished DLO:
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
In Class, we have been working on our cyber smart skills.
One main fact of being "Cyber Smart" is being safe and kind on the internet.
Another word for this is "Netiquette".
We had to complete a slideshow that was revolved around netiquette and post in on our blog->
Here it is:
Friday, 28 August 2020
Week 6 Reflection!
This week has been very fun.
We learnt lots and had a very productive time.
I enjoyed doing my Priest, Deacon and bishops task because we used a site that I had never seen before and it was very interesting.
This week I have succeeded in my learning by completing my contract on time and earning myself golden time.
This week I found my R.E challenging because some of the topics were very confusing.
I learnt how to solve equations using endice rules.
Next week I am looking forward to doing more STEAM learning because it is very interesting.
This week, I have shown the value of Pono (Truth) by being honest whenever I am asked something.
Priest, Deacons and Bishops!
In class, we have been learning about the sacrament of Holy Orders.
This sacrament is performed when you want to become a priest, Deacon or Bishop.
We used a site called "Piktochart" to create a DLO of what we learned.
Here is my finished DLO:

Monday, 24 August 2020
Senses Poem!
In class we have been working on our language features, one of these being a senses poem.
A senses poem is when you use 6 senses to describe a thing or a location.
With my one I took out the words see,hear,taste,feel,think and smell so it may seem a bit strange..
Here is my finished poem...
"Sky-blue waves,
Salty breeze,
Cry of the sea birds,
Soft embrace of the ocean winds,
Dew in the morning air,
Today is going to be a good one."
This task was fun because I liked using my imagination to describe my location (Houhora)
Insane Instructions!
In class, we have been doing cyber smart with "Manaiakalaani".
We had to choose a partner and then complete a series of slides using their instructions. It was really hard to complete.
Here It is...
Friday, 21 August 2020
Week 5 Reflection!
This week has been very passive.
I enjoyed when we did our writing about "The Pebble" using personification because I have never done any work around personification.
This week I succeeded in my maths work by achieving my best time in basic facts.
I found my writing very challenging because I am a very bad writer but I can always improve.
This week I have learnt all about personification and onomatopoeia.
Next week I am looking forward to our S.T.E.A.M work because it is fun every week.
This week I have shown the value pono by being truthful with my peers and always being honest.
All and all this week has been very fun!
In class we have been learning about personification (as well as many other language features).
One of our tasks was to write a story from the perspective of a pebble on the beach in the Normandy Landing.
It needed to have descriptive text, it must be present tense and we had to write in first person.
Here is my story...
"It is cold and dark, the sun has not yet risen.
The sky is flecked with glittering, white stars. I can smell the salty waves, hugging the shoreline as the tide surges. I lay here, still as always, awaiting the arrival of the soldiers. Hours go by as I patiently sit, in hope of being unharmed.
At last, in the distance I see a congregation of boats, surpassing the horizon with the golden sun at their back. I can hear the “Crashing” of the waves against the armoured ships.
Before I knew it, the war was beginning...
The loud foghorns are ear-piercing in the misty morning haze. It would be hard to miss them. I can see a funny looking man with a strange hat leading the ships into battle. I feel remorse for those who had no choice but to serve, lives at stake. I can do nothing but watch on as young, innocent men lose their lives at the hand of war.
I see the tall figures disembarking from their comrades, eager to achieve victory. They sprint towards me, almost like they know I'm here. My life is portrayed in slow-mo as a soldier lifts his dark-grey boot in front of me. He plants his foot, taking me with it. I have been stomped into the cold, wet sand. I see nothing but darkness. When suddenly, I hear a loud “Boom!”. I am instantly flung out, back into the open beach. Once again I am hit by a passing soldier, this time I was only kicked.
I can see the flaming boats in the distance, oil leaking into the water. A Sharp flash caught my eye as an attacking soldier fell to the ground. His dog tag was flashing in the steely glare of the sun. His lifeless hand drops to the floor in front of my very eyes.
Shock fills my entire body. Blood is seeping into the soft sand beneath me.
That is a moment I will never forget...
The stars begin to conquer the night sky as the sound of gunshots slowly nullify. The soldiers have made a valiant effort, and from my perspective, it looks like they have won! The now empty beach reeks of victory. Once again, I lay here in hope of salvation. I see the flames of fallen ships, contrasting against the jet-black night sky. The smell of salt is no longer as the tide grows further and further away from my inanimate body.
Here I lay for all of eternity..."
I enjoyed this task because it was fun to think about the perspective of a pebble in the middle of a war.
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Powerful Personification!
In Class we have been learning about different language features.
Today we learnt about "Personification".
We had to write a descriptive piece of writing using our new knowledge of personification.
We wrote about our desks and how they feel.
I Hope you enjoy!
" I stand tiredly, awaiting the arrival of children. At last, they have arrived. They lean and push me around like I am nothing to them. The weight on my back is getting unbearable. My wobbly legs, constantly being kicked. My battered skin is nothing but a platform to them. I feel as if I am a nail, being constalty battered around by a hammer. Sometimes I wish to be a whiteboard. Feeling the soft end of the marker on my undamaged skin. Being well cared for everyday, and after a long day of work, I become clean again.
Alas, my fate is inevitable...
This task was fun because I learnt a lot about personification and writing techniques.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
The Seven Sacraments
In class we have been reflecting on the seven Sacraments.
The seven sacraments are steps that you can undergo during your journey of life. Completing these tasks will ultimately get you closer to God.
Here is my completed DLO of what these sacraments are...
Friday, 31 July 2020
Weekly Reflection - Week 2!
The Life Of Hildegard Of Bingen
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Cyber Smart!
Friday, 24 July 2020
Weekly Reflection!
I enjoyed doing our science work because it was fun to draw my perspective of a scientist and what they do.
Something I succeeded in is my creative writing planning. I am really bad at writing so I am proud that I have made very good progress with my writing work.
One of the most challenging things I have encountered this week was cross-country.
I have never been a good runner and I need to push myself to improve on my times.
One thing I have learned is the structure to an Imaginative prayer. An imaginative prayer is when you start your prayer with something on a deeper level eg. "Gracious Creator" instead of something like "Loving Father"...
Something I am looking forward to next week is elaborating more on our science work. This week it was very fun and I cant wait to learn more about it.
This week, I have shown the value *Pono* by always telling the truth whenever I am asked something.
I am really looking forward to next week!
My Holiday Reflection!
Why We Pray...
Here is my finished DLO:

I enjoyed this task because I liked seeing all of the different scriptures/perspectives about prayer in the bible.
Monday, 20 July 2020
Cyber Smart
What I enjoyed in Cyber Smart so far is definitely when we were focusing on coding. Since the age of like 9 I have always been interested in coding.
The thing I want to focus on more during Cyber Smart is Coding.
I think it is very fun and I would like to get into deeper concepts of
What is your favourite Tech subject?
Friday, 3 July 2020
End Of Term Reflection!
Matariki Planting!
In class we have been learning about Matariki. One of our tasks was to research these 2 Maori Gods that are related to Matariki.
We had to make a fact file about each of them.
Here they are: